original, limited edition – one available!
Who Framed Roger Rabbit is a 1988 American live-action/animated comedy mystery film directed by Robert Zemeckis, produced by Frank Marshall and Robert Watts, and loosely adapted by Jeffrey Price and Peter S. Seaman from Gary K. Wolf's 1981 novel Who Censored Roger Rabbit?.
The film stars Bob Hoskins, Christopher Lloyd, Charles Fleischer, Stubby Kaye, and Joanna Cassidy. Set in a 1947 version of Hollywood where cartoon characters (commonly referred to as "toons") and people co-exist, the film follows Eddie Valiant, a private investigator hired to help exonerate Roger Rabbit, a toon who has been framed for the murder of the Acme Corporation's owner.
- Original, limited edition movie poster for Robert Semeckis's Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, released in 1988.
- Very Good condition (A- quality).
- French Grande Folded Poster.
- 47x63 inches.